Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oaxacan baby shower, Feb. 19

Jose hosted a baby shower for her niece at our home. I was really excited to see what it was like! Actually, there is no word for "baby shower" in Spanish. You just say "baby shower" with a Spanish accent which ends up sounding like: baybee shao-wearr. Jose said I must be there for the pictures. I didn't exactly know what she meant. I thought she maybe wanted me to be the photographer? Or maybe just to smile and look pretty? I found out at the party that she hired a professional to take pictures of everyone for the newspaper! I didn't feel like I should be in the group picture, but Jose insisted. She has now bought me the newspaper where the group picture was published! :) I was in the local newspaper! As a random white girl in the back! wooooo!! ...But the baby shower was just like in the US. There were games, food, presents and a lot of chatty women. I ended up drinking alcohol for the first time and I didn't even know it! I didn't think alcohol would be served since the party was for a pregnant woman! There was a red juice looking drink that had bits of apple floating on top. I absolutely loved it! So, I asked one of the women sitting by me what it was, and she said it was a combination of red wine, lemonade and something else. I was so shocked after hearing 'red wine' that I don't remember a thing she told me after that... I couldn't believe I had just had alcohol for the first time and I didn't even know it! I couldn't help but think it was humorous... I figured this would happen considering Mexico :) I found that a lot of the older women were drawn to me. They all were saying how 'cute' I was (I think/hope) and asked me so many questions about where I was from and how I learned Spanish. Everyone arrived at 7 or so. I left to go to bed at midnight. The next morning Jose told me some didn't leave until 3 AM! They reeeally like to party here :)

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