Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friday, Feb. 12

This was the day we went to the Anthropology Museum of Mexico City. They had SOOO many Mesoamerican artifacts!!! I could barely handle myself! My favorite piece was the Aztec statue of Coatlicue*. I did my research paper on it for my Mesoamerican art class, so I had seen so many pictures of it and studied it for months. Her story is kind of interesting... her statue was buried by the Aztecs so the conquistadors would not destroy it. It was later rediscovered on accident in 1790 during a sewage project. At first, it was a treasured and revered artifact, but the was demanded by the bishop to have reburied in 1805 because of her graphic imagery. (short history lesson :) We also saw the Aztec calendar stone that some believe predicts the end of the world in 2012. I was just amazed at its size and detail. It was nothing short of beautiful. After the museum I explored the surrounding park with Ron and a few other students. We tried some vendor snacks and watched an odd ritual/performance that involved 4 guys climbing a tall pole, winding up the rope that was tied around their waists, then twirling upside-down.. it was odd. It was mostly to entertain spectators for a bit and then ask them for money. After all this, we took our bags to the bus station and we were on our way to Puebla! it was a 2 hour bus ride with something interesting always out the window. When I did think Mexico could get better, we arrived in Puebla and it was even more beautiful! It had more of a colonial style than Mexico City and had less trash in the streets (which was nice). My roommates and I were lucky and scored the really nice room with a loft and out own balcony!! :) Later, Ron took some students out for a walk to the zocalo* and it was rather busy since it was a Friday night. We got our dinner and some delicious churros! All around us were so many people enjoying the soft coolness of the night and the Spanish croons of the live music. I am in love with this place.

*a powerful serpent/woman deity who gave birth to the sun, moon and stars; and she required human sacrifice for repayment.

*A central square where most the action happens.


  1. Oh man! You are so strong! How do you do it?!
    (In reference to you holding up the calender stone) :)

  2. Naturally! duuh! pretty sure swimming is the reason, tell gary thanks for me :)

  3. Adriana, this is a great way to keep in touch. I really like it. good pictures and your professional writing style add a bit of education for us all.
